We are one Huge organism

 We are one organism. This whole universe is just one of the many universes. We don’t know enough about “Space”. It stretches and squeezes. To experience the realization of singularity and chaos, it takes to get one in deep trance. We are always doing things “Back and Forth”. We are always correcting ourselves in this world called “Life” and the drama happens. It’s all set. It is always good versus evil. There is a fight between Good and Bad. Always!!! ….


 If we compare our body as a Universe, we have so many lives running inside our blood. Bacteria's, Germs, and single celled organisms. All have their individual lives. And because of that on the larger scale we function. It is metaphorically compared. It is not a perfect analogy. But you got my point.


So there is a larger organism awake which we are not aware of. And Our whole world could be on a petrie dish. And some beings are experimenting on us. We can’t really see them. Just like bacteria can’t see us and understand. We are also living like bacteria/ singular cells who don’t understand as what is the role on the larger scale. Or how the organism looks like on a larger scale. Therefore there is a chaos.


If our physical body is universe then smallest cells are us. It is not a perfect analogy, I am telling you once again. So, that realization is Nirvana that we are minuscule part of all these drama in this world. But it can be changed with one element in it. There has to be a change, a macro change. It is really bizarre.


So, why do bad things happen, if there is a Universal Good Companion? We are in the power of changing it and fixing it. And we have to keep doing it with no conditions. We have all the powers to change it. And we Humans have to use that power. We don’t have to wait for things to get better or you can still wait.


There is always a case where you can make a difference in this world. It could be with you texting someone. Or it could be by you talking to someone. Or you could be doing changes by using any medium. Like we are the players and this world is our stage. Rephrased as what William Shakespeare said.


We have to keep performing at our levels. Our brain itself is as complex as a whole universe. So we are carrying a universe in our body. We can’t allow to underestimated our powers. We have to tap into it. And use it in the present time to feel good instantly. Forget about what happened in the past. Forget what will happen in the future. If you sturdily hold the present button in your hands, things will go alongside with you.


We are not able to find the aliens because they are in different form or they exist in different dimensions. They are doing their jobs at larger scale. As if by magic, the clouds move around carrying water. A mysterious force is always operating on the objects to behave in certain way. We take it for granted. But imagine for the whole ecosystem to work somebody has to take the first step. And it does happen in larger scale and in smaller scale too.


So, Now we are a part of a giant humungous organism having our own lives and belief. All 10 billion people are connected to each other. Our brains are wired with each other but we don’t see it. It is very subtle. Like Humans can see certain wavelengths. All the other wavelengths are invisible to human eyes. But they still exist. We speak in our phones. Somebody’s voice we hear, by using the technology, from far distance. We can hear the voice. We also can see people in our mobile phones and computers.


So we tapped into that. Now we have to move to the next level of lifestyle. We need to be a mind reader. We need to shape our body and brain in such a way that we receive all the knowledge which is already written down and is known to every being on this planet, in an instant {exaggeration} (This is just an example). 


There are plenty of weird things we are capable of inventing. In those old times, everyone must have laughed at wright brothers when they mentioned that they are planning to make a machine that humans can make them fly. Similarly, we resist the idea of mind reading. Now, there are few mind readers in this world. But we are not sure if they are genuine or fraudulent till we do ourselves. I am not teaching mind reading here. I am telling you that there are plenty of unique things you can do in your lifetime.


With Artificial Intelligence we are able to understand how our mind works and how it shapes and how it nurtures itself and grows and become productive and smart.


So whatever you do in life matters, you matter. Your each and every activity matters. Your activity towards making this world a better place matters. Every life is equally important, if you are working towards the betterment of the society.


Though we are separated from each other, we are leaves of one tree and provide shade from sunlight. We carry the potential of changing this world into a better place to live. We carry that potential like a seed in our body. It’s already there, you just have to tap into that. You just have to discover new skills in you. It’s already there all the time.


The whole world is making you aware of things that you have to do in your life. The books we read, the movies we watch and the songs we listen to. Immerse yourself as a character and then experience the things. There is a subliminal message for you from the universe that you have to act upon.


Every movie you watch has some messages for you. Every article/book you read have something for you to take in your life. Just open all the doors and windows in your brain to get all the knowledge and experience it. Make a choice. If it is a bad choice, make another choice. Keep doing it until you make the right choice.



So we have formed this language with which we are able to communicate with each other but large organisms can’t comprehend. For simplicity, let’s believe we know just one language with 26 letters that is English. The simplest language on the planet. All other languages are either derivatives and they are ancient languages and they are stuck with us through this evolution period.


Now even time” that we don’t understand completely. It always flows in the forward direction. It never goes back in backward direction. If it does then world will be something different.


Our 5 senses are the tools with the help of which we are able to experience this world. Sense of touch, Sense of taste, Sense of watching, Sense of hearing, sense of smelling. Then there is a sixth sense that we name it to define extrasensory perception which we all have it.


We all are equally equipped with skill-sets. It is just the matter of time that we believe in ourselves and then grow onto it. The confidence only grows from within and by realizing our potential from inside and it is stuck with us. It crumbles sometimes but it regrows again with right people in our lives. Right thoughts; Right nurturing;


Every person is a writer, painter, dancer, programmer, developer, etc, etc. If you can walk, you can dance. We have boxed ourselves from this malicious world. Get messy, open up and jot down all the ideas that your brain creates.


One lifetime. So, let us enjoy every moment. We are always blaming other people and looking out for job. You can Create your own company/office. Things will happen gradually of course. Nothing is stopping you but you.


Universe has given us a lot of colors in our life palette. So lets paint it in the way we want it and make it colorful. Our life is 360 degrees. We have so many options. Let us choose one for the moment and get engaged in that. And become an expert in that.


If you like language learning. Get into it. Language is not anyone’s property. It’s open-source. You can learn anytime that you want to. You don’t have to take anyone’s permission. You can be a master of English literature or Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Hindi, Marathi, Mandarin, Japanese and more other languages. There are so many languages. Get expert in any language. First start with English language.


Learning should be fun, fast and enjoyable. That is the best way of learning. Allow your sense of humor to mingle with these stuff. Slowly, surely and gradually you will learn lot of things.


Our work should be fun, lively and enjoyable, otherwise there is no point in working in something that you don’t love it anymore. People do still work for things they don’t enjoy to run their livelihood. Then, that is ok. But in future, after enough savings, you can switch to your own dream or while working (your present job) alongside you can do what you always to do. I surmise many people do that. This makes that huge organism healthy and not damaged.


There is always something new that you can give to this world. If the world is not listening to you. Take bold steps and make it happen. But do only things that you love to do. Eventually, they will listen to you.


You are a unique person with plethora of ideas in your brain, to reshape this whole world. There are no steps, no procedures, no guidelines, but it will happen in just an instant (exaggeration---the things you love, you learn quickly). You make your own rules and nurture your idea in your own unique ways. Carve your own path in the forest.


Your contributions are not just for you but for everyone else and the Huge-organism keep repairing itself again and again. Our skin shreds so we get tsunamis and Mother Earth cleans itself with something. But we don’t realize it.


Religions and Gods are nothing but mythologies and stories. We have no one but we. Just imagine that there is an apocalypse on Earth and everything is destroyed. But few books survive and the new beings read them and believe that Harry Potter was a God. And this new Earth now worships Harry Potter. That is insane.


Lets follow the technological development and see where it takes us. All matters is how we behave with each other as a colony or a team.


Before Big bang, no one knows what happened, so scientists are still formulating and postulating the observations. But that this is the limitations that we can only find something by observing and making a conclusion or by observing and interacting with it and then making a conclusion. We don’t have any other methods or we can’t use it beyond our perception. But we can feel it.


Our senses make that conclusion as what happened and as what is going to happen. That is what we get from experimentation. But we can never know as why it is happening. There is no starting point and there is no ending point. 


It is just there. Galaxies are moving apart from each other at ever quickening speed and we don’t know when it will end or stop or it will go forever.


All matters how is the relationship between humans. That is all matters. It will decide our survival and our understanding of the whole universe.


My parents told me that be nice with everyone and do good things to everyone, so that good things will happen in my life. But after experiencing and suffering, I realized that “Be good with good people, And be Bad (or worse----mitigate them--- {so that they don’t destroy others lives}) with bad people.” is more valid statement. We have to mitigate the wrongdoings instantly, if we observe. If you are capable of fixing something wrong then do it.


So that the Hugh-Connected-Organism in which we live sustain, grows stronger and stronger and we multiply and then good people on Earth outnumber the bad people and then we invent something which takes us closer to the “Ultimate Truth” of our lives.


Don’t follow a path, create/carve your own path. We have less leaders and more followers. We need to have leadership-like quality in almost everyone. And never worry about taking chances in life.


Sometimes we walk on the street and we find a familiar face. Or as if we get the feeling that you know that person for a long time. Your brain delivers all this information instantly. This power of our complex brain is underrated.


Your power of imagination is infinite. You can imagine lot of things in your head. And then put those into practical use. Some people say that most inventors invented things in their heads while sleeping. That is true. They found the solution while they were sleeping. All problems were solved in the head. That is our power of imagination. So, imagine things in your mind. Make it colorful and bizarre so that you can remember it.


The goal should be always be towards as how we can make a better society because we all are a part of this huge organism.




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