Meditation is Overrated

 Meditation is overrated. And many so called Gurus are taking advantage of that by fooling people to sit idle and concentrate on chakras and get calm and concentrate. In return people donate money and all the credit goes to those pundits who carry android phone which is invented by Andy Rubin, Nick Sears and Rich Miner with day and night work. And very few people know all the inventors and scientists who gave all their life in providing something to make our life technologically advanced.


It is claimed that meditation will take away the pain. I agree on that. But meditation is nothing but self-suggestion….. telling your body to relax and concentrating on third eye for 5 to 15 mins or more. “Body and Mind Relaxation” can be another word for meditation.


 I had been in meditation center for 10 days.  It is beneficial to go in this gatherings to meet people and talk good things as it motivates to be stronger. But we were told to keep silent for whole 10 months, not talking to any of the other members which made me go crazy/ wacky/ demented and depressed. Those 10 days were like one month. We were instructed to gather in big hall and do meditation 4 times a day. The whole hall was filled with us sitting on the floor with folded legs. Fans were switched off. Anyways, it was not that hot. Then we were told to close our eyes. The session was for 45 mins.

We all were told that you have to concentrate on our breath. That’s it. It was unbearable. I felt really nothing. I sneakily opened by eyes many times watching others. But honestly it was difficult to do that. Thoughts flood our brain. I was thinking about all my favourite movies, songs and books. My point is we don’t need such elaborate stage for such a simple exercise. Yes, meditation is an exercise like any other exercise as it makes our body and mind feel better.


Meditation is like a single hair, very simple. You can do that without you closing your eyes, while working, while studying (That is also called being mindful, another kind of meditation).


 My point is you don’t have to go anywhere else to do meditation. You can do for 2-3 mins every hour or half an hour while working at home or at your office.


There are so many books on meditation. And it has become a huge market. All the authors in those books exaggerate meditation. They mention so many useless and complicated steps and make it more sophisticated.

I agree it is helpful but to only few of them who are already motivated . Others get frustrated / disappointed /discouraged /thwarted with so many ramifications to something so primitive and rudimentary.  


Stick to one kind of mediation which you love to do and which works for you. That’s it. You will be able to focus more.


1) One kind of meditation for me is removing all the intrusive thoughts from my brain which is not simple. Because brain is exploding with billion {exaggeration} thoughts. Emptying my mind. Throwing in an imaginary fireplace and imagining that they are getting burned and lost forever.


2) Another is lying down on the bed or floor in a sleeping positions with headphones on with binaural beats (you can select anyone of your choice which doesn’t irritate you or hurt your ears). The logic is to keep yourself awake. Then you have to one by one concentrate on your body parts and envision that they are getting relaxed. Just concentrate on each body part and give control to the nature or supreme-being that you trust. Nature will help you. Imagine that you are freely falling from the sky. You have no control over your body. I suggest this for 30mins to 45mins. After that time, you will feel relaxed. It is good for anxiety and other mental disorders too.


There are so many expensive/overly-priced books with so many steps. Don’t buy it. It will confuse you. I would suggest you to buy a very simple book or pamphlet with few simple steps. Or you can follow methods given in this book. Let one thing work for you and then you can follow other methods.


Motive of meditation is relaxing your mind and body. How you do it, it doesn’t really matter. Again I say meditation is over-rated because not every ailments can be fixed. There are medications (not meditation {pun indented]) for ailments and vitamin tablets to make you healthy.


Meditation is an addon. It can make a healthy people healthier. For others if it is not working, then take up running or any other extra curriculum activity which will make you feel euphoric/ ecstatic/ jubilant. Watch comedies shows which will make you laugh and release endorphins. By running slowly and then pacing fast till you run out of breath and sweating very hard. This gives a runner’s high.


Sitting at one place and calming your mind sometimes doesn’t work that way. This is the era of google, microsoft, amazon, android and more other esteemed multinational corporations. Our mind is always busy with flurry of thoughts and ideas. We are becoming more like ADHD. Our attention span is decreasing. We are evolving into something, where we are more calmer, when we engage ourselves in something interesting. Yes! Meditation does help. But keep it simple, like walking exercise. 

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