Is there any suicide prevention helpline number in India?

  1. If you are suicidal, most probably you are at the bottom of the depression pit and that is an illusion. Your thoughts about death and suicide is an illusion and you have been deceived by the negative person that we have inside us. We all are capable of having that feeling. Let’s face it.
  2. Listen to that negative person. But wait a minute. Can we just wait for another day? Not saying that things will get better. But just one more day.
  3. Let’s chalk out something that we want to do/ and we love to do. So, Now you have those in bullet numbers as what you want to do.
  4. Ok, Fine. You want to do nothing. Ok. That is also a good option. So instead of sitting at home. Let’s go outside and walk. And go through the random alleys and roads, and see the life in peripheral of your eye.
  5. Ok. Now, as I am feeling suicidal, I will talk to any person while I am walking on the road. So, ask for direction for the place that you already know. Then appreciate that person for something, Their shoes, their dress, or anything else.
  6. Ok. Still. There is no conversation. Go to a shop, pretend to buy something but ( do buy eventually), hit the light conversation.
  7. Best conversation you can ever have is with Tea-stall guy- Sellers, a Cobbler.
  8. If you are suicidal, close the door, cry a little bit, let the pain out, no shame it that. Observe…yourself…How come you have come to the stage that you want to now harm yourself?….. Isn’t that an illusion in pain???
  9. Remind yourself of your childhood. Remind yourself of those days when you were so innocent, sitting and living life. Love that child in you. Live that life again right now. Play with your child and smile
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  23. There are plenty of things I want to talk about.
  24. Internet will avoid suicides. Get on the internet, do anything that you love to do. Mess with something. Try something new on the internet.

Honestly speaking. It’s my opinion. I know many would disagree to me. It’s better to contact a stranger then a suicide helpline even if its exist. I heard ASARA is providing that on their own. I clearly can’t call the number, verifying and test them out, then it destroys the whole purpose of theirs.

Talk to any stranger. Have an ability to build up a rapport with a stranger who is just like you and you believe he/she will understand you.

Don’t contact someone, who is very gaudy or flamboyant. Mostly likely you will get an answer like “You must be kidding”.

Talk to normal people who work harder on the streets and know their everyday life.

If you feel suicidal, it’s more likely that you are at the rock-bottom of your depression.

So, all you need is someone to pad you on the back and see the positive side of yours. Because most perception of ours is disillusional at that time. we just don’t see it.

Being there. Got out of it. It’s not easy. People might say it’s very easy to feel better. It’s not. Embrace the darkness for a while. Just hang on onto something to live.

Don’t give up so soon. Many have been at that stage. And many lost their lives because that time we could not reach them.

Every life is precious. So let’s help each other and save those who are going through that truama.

[Update: I emailed ASARA saying that I am feeling suicidal. No reply. I called up once at around 3am (I was seriously feeling depressed so I thought i could call this time). No one picked up the phone. Called second time in the morning, still no one.]

I can’t conclude right now if ASARA genuinely support taking calls from suicide people. My instinct says it’s another money-making fake organization. My heart falls down on the floor with a feeling that humanity has come to such a level that they can risk people on the edge.

Below is the experience of my friend Abhivav Jain with Aasra

They are like any other govt dept untrained n unskilled… Beloe is my actual conversation that happened with AASRA in 2013.. I didnt know they existed and aomeone above has complained on similar lines:(After below conversation i called up US suicide hotline and was answered by a lady who spoke to me for 10 mins, only thing they couldn't do was send anyone to me for help)Me:Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 11:25 PMTo: aasrahelpline@yahoo.comThrough google search I found Aasra websiteI tried calling 24x7 Helpline: 91-22-27546669 number 3 times just now..... male person could not hear / was not answering me... I said hello many times...Is this website for real?Me again:Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 11:31 PMTo: aasrahelpline@yahoo.comTried again... "this vodafone number is not reachable".... and after that "the number u have called is busy please try again later" .... again i called ... phn is picked up but no hello, no response...Reply to me:Jun 28, 2013, 4:10 PMSorry we do recieve a lot of calls and sometimnes the line is so bad it's difficult to hear. So instead of blaming us you should blame the bad connection. That is besides the point. We do care about you and are concerned. If you do not succeed in talking on the pjone given the bad connection maybe you should email us instead and we will respond in a day or two... Sorry about the bad connection but that is not in our hands.AasraDoes the opening reply sound like of a trained or concerned person? I was in a fragile and timid state of mind and i couldnt contact again , as i didnt know what else he would say, he was a stranger to me. He could have actually move someone over the edge if they were standing somewhere to take a leap.I'm ready to help improve our system regards to suicide, depression and other mental and emotional disorders… ppl just dont get it here in http://India.So if any Psychiatrist or psychologist reading my msg, i am not shy about hiding my identity either… please contact if you think some difference can be made and i can be a part of such an awareness programme.

Below is my reply to Abhinav Jain:

Thanks bringing this to my notice. I would someday like to read the whole thing to the superior authority which doesn’t exist.See Abhinav, contact me if you ever get that feeling. Contact a stranger, always. I don’t know about others. I can be an immense help to someone who is going through that because I had gone through that I know how it feels like………….…..And I pat on my own back to not to take the step but has gone through internet articles…………reading helps……….. searching google and then going on the 13th search results…. you will get beautiful answers………….…I don’t want to throw the positivty on you……World is bad enough for a good person to feel suicidal and then the organization making a mockery of that.We live in India. India has got a bad name all over the world for scaming people. So we are our own thieves.Instead of asking help from our people, it’s no shame to ask help from someone who stays 1000 kms aways and give an enlightened message which can make you come out of your bed.Life is dreadful. I know. I live in that. I take that. Infact I make it worse. I live in that. I want to see how much worse it can get for myself.While doing that I BECOME A WRITER. like every person can walk, every person is a writer. Jot down your points. let yourself see how worst it can get.Lets plan the suicide thing. I am with you. Before that we can watch all the beautiful movies, and read all those beautiful books and listen to all those beautiful songs and look at all those beautiful faces and then we can die. Both of us. Thats a promise.Nothing to lose my brother/sister.——————————————————————————————Assuming you are out of the suicidal thought and now infact very tough personality……….I write…….….. We as a country right now can’t address the suicidal issue. Because we don’t have to. We shouldn’t. They are killing us anyways. These fat politicians bastards are killing us anyways. And we are powerless.———————————They are winning on every aspect…….But we are also winning on small games…..but we need to find the bigger jackpots to trash out the corruption from the system …in effect will also help to solve the problem of person feeling the process…..——————————————————————-



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