CoronaVirus spreads through spitting

CoronaVirus spreads through spitting. In india, there have been cases where 2 people have got catagious to this deadly virus. As the virus is in the air and as you produce more saliva with chewing, the virus from the air finds it suitable habitable place and it gets transmitted through the trachea of the person. It gets into the esophagus and into the food pipe. When you chew and spit, it gives virus the new fresh layer to get attached and grow. During the incupation period it spreads throughout the body, giving a warmth feeling. After 15 days, it brings out the symptoms in the form of fever and cough. The official story is that this new coronavirus emerged from a Wuhan wet market, where live animals that would never normally meet in the wild live side by side, facilitating trans-species mutation of pathogens. It came from chinese market into the Indian market through import of meat.Yet the first three known cases from Dec. 1 and 2 were not linked to the market. Neither we...